Thursday, May 13, 2010

Break a Leg!

Well, last night was our dress rehearsal for "Macbeth", and the second time around, it went really well, I thought. The whole thing is coming together and it is very exciting.
Paula has done a wonderful job with everything.
The sets are really amazing, thanks to Larry.
The work that has gone into the production on the back end has made it even more polished.

Our first performance is tonight!
The kids know their lines, the sets are all done, the costumes are looking good and the props are ready.
It has been a long road, but that's what it takes to bring it together.
The greatest thing about this whole experience has been seeing the kids working together and the way they have cooperated and become such a great team.
There has been stress, drama (it's theater after all), feelings have been hurt and everyone is tired at the end of rehearsal, but they are such good friends and they forgive and go on.
I am so proud of all of them!

The theater experience, the literature lessons, the hard work, those are all very important. We are very grateful for all the wonderful things that we have learned, but I think the best part, the most valuable of all the experiences, has been the fellowship and generosity of the people that have been a part of it.

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